Saturday, February 20, 2010

Why a Blog?

So, why on earth am I writing a blog? There are millions of blogs online. Many are written by witty writers and intelligent, fascinating people. Folks who can tell you how to go into a grocery store, use coupons and buy $175 worth of food for $12.62. People who can give you a new Crockpot recipe for everyday of the year. Political analysts who can rant with the best of them. Spiritual gurus and knowledge seekers of all varieties.

I am none of those things. I am just another writer.

Frankly, that's why I've decided to blog. My writing of late has been ... well, lackluster, to say the most. I teach writing workshops where I preach the gospel of writing practice. "You've got to practice writing," I tell my students, "the same way a musician has to practice scales." And yet ... it's easy to let yet another day go by without writing a single word. So many other things get in the way ... a class or workshop to teach, papers to grade, a kitchen sink full of dishes, chocolate chips begging to be baked into cookies, errands to run, an episode of Modern Family that just can't be missed, bills to be paid, people to be talked to. The stuff of life.

I'm not sure any of those things are worth writing about, yet I admire writers who write about the mundane, the small, the simple ... and find beauty and interest and life. I'm not sure if I'll endeavor to be one of those writers or if I'll just write whatever pops into my head. I guess we'll find out.


  1. This is why I blog too. A good way to keep my skills sharp. Also, like Dennis Prager says, writing is the mind's mirror. Writing helps us see how we think about things, and so writing a little every now and again is good.
